(Left to Right)  Back Row:  Earl Wilson, (C); Greg Miller, (MO); Stan Wallace, (C); John Acker, (C); Mike Williams, (C-Chap 15); David Schweitzer, (C); Dee Koch, (Tyler, TX); Bill Knaak, (GA) Assistant FSW Instructor.  Front Row: Kelsey Downum, (C); Betty Blackwell, (NM); Michael Corolla, (C); Fred Tischler, (C)  Instructor.  Note Chapter 124 members are designated by (C) following their name;  others are designated by the state from which they came.  Two students not in the picture were Mike Davis, (AL) and Bill Overshaw, (C). Stan Wallace is shaping an arm on the lifting lever he is making. Earl Wilson is drilling a hole in an arbor for the lifting lever he is making. John Acker & Dee Koch.  John is telling Dee about the suspension spring he just made.
John Acker is finishing sanding a part he just made. Dee Koch, Michael Corolla & Earl Wilson.  It looks like Michael is explaining something to Dee. Michael Corolla is locating a place to drill a hole for a lifting lever arm.