1 (Left to Right) Back Row: Earl Wilson, (C); Greg Miller, (MO); Stan Wallace, (C); John Acker, (C); Mike Williams, (C-Chap 15); David Schweitzer, (C); Dee Koch, (Tyler, TX); Bill Knaak, (GA) Assistant FSW Instructor. Front Row: Kelsey Downum, (C); Betty Blackwell, (NM); Michael Corolla, (C); Fred Tischler, (C) Instructor. Note Chapter 124 members are designated by (C) following their name; others are designated by the state from which they came. Two students not in the picture were Mike Davis, (AL) and Bill Overshaw, (C).
2 Stan Wallace is shaping an arm on the lifting lever he is making.
3 Earl Wilson is drilling a hole in an arbor for the lifting lever he is making.
4 John Acker & Dee Koch. John is telling Dee about the suspension spring he just made.
5 John Acker is finishing sanding a part he just made.
6 Dee Koch, Michael Corolla & Earl Wilson. It looks like Michael is explaining something to Dee.
7 Michael Corolla is locating a place to drill a hole for a lifting lever arm.