1 (Left to Right) Back Row: Mike McGuire, Robert Greer, Jim Redmon, Instructor Ferdinand Geitner and John Acker. Middle row left side: Tim Henz , Middle row right side: Pat Henz. Front row: Steve Mott, Tom Gavin, Clinton Kleen and Jeff Waguespack. Not show is the class coordinator Bill Andrle, who took the photo.
2 Tom Gavin and Jim Redmon are working on their pocket watches.
3 John Acker and Fred Tishler. Fred must have fixed his watch (or maybe he just found his watch jewel screws!)
4 Instructor Ferdinand Geitner brought some photos in power point to show how small some wrist watch parts can be.
5 The work has stopped...Instructor Ferdinand Geitner is starting his lecture on pocket watch escapements.
6 Instructor Ferdinand Geitner.
7 nstructor Ferdinand Geitner troubleshooting a student's watch. For four days, he tirelessly helped the students with their watch problems, and discussed the solution with the class. Thanks Ferdinand!