March 2003

March 22-23, 29-30, 2003
Assistant Instructor Mike Coker demonstrates the proper way to do beat adjustment. Assistant Instructor Ron Van Ness checks out the operation of Walt Vinston's clock. Kitchen Clock Repair 100 is for students who have had no prior training in clock repair. Many procedures begin with a demonstration from the instructor. Then the student is given a chance to do the same thing. Here instructor Phil Ball demonstrates a particular technique for the class. Jerry Harlin doesn't want to get too close to his clock when it is running. You never know what that thing might do!
(Left to Right)  Front row:  Richard Rose, Mark Vozar, Bruce Wooldridge, Joe Richards and Jerry Harlin.  Middle row:  William Howard McDowell, Walt Vinson, Phil Ball (instructor).  Back row:  Michael Cox and the very spunky Alex Santa-Pinter.  Assisting were Mike Coker and Ron Van Ness. Another view of the above demonstration. Richard Rose is trying to determine the proper holes for placing all these pivots and wheels!