1 Instructor George Kiser uses a diagram to explain the principle of the lever escapement.
2 Sometimes instructor George Kiser just has to show the students what to do.
3 Bill Andrle is fully engrossed with his watch movement.
4 Frank Van Zant takes a well deserved break from this close work!
5 Bob Tramel seems like he knows what he is doing!
6 Pat Flanigan can still smile after working on his watch.
7 (Left to Right) Front row: George Kiser (instructor), Phil Ball, Pat Flanigan, Divvang Avar, and Frank Van Zant. Back row: Russ Aikins, Bill Andrle, Ray Gearhard, Luther Lucko (Teaching Asistant), Joe Plunkett, Bob Tramel, and Paavo Zakin.