1 Al Kulakoff struggles with getting the hook on a winding arbor to catch the hole in a mainspring.
2 Len Kaufman enjoys this work.
3 Gary Mowery reassembles his movement. I sure hope it is fixed!
4 Stan Lunday files the barrel he has just repaired.
5 (Left to Righr) Back row: Larry Grubbs, Garland Peters, Len Kaufman, Gary Mowery. Front row: Dan Tips, Al Kulakoff, Gerald Lacy, and Stan Lunday. The instructor Fred Tischler is in front of the group. This class covered movement fundamentals with lots of hands on repair procedures for American & European spring barrel, time and strike movements (non-French) with count wheel or rack/snail strike mechanism.
6 Garland Peters has a clock wheel chucked up in a jewlers lathe.
7 Sometimes your eyes need a little help when putting one of these things together. Gerald Lacy decided he needed a little magnification.
8 Dan Tips takes a jewlers saw to his clock barrel. I sure hope he knows what he is doing!
9 Instructor Fred Tischler explains the proper way to repair a spring barrel.