November 2001

November 10-11, 17-18, 2001
Charlie Watson says "Now we're having fun!" Jimmy Busby checks out his repaired and assembled movement. (Left to Right)  Ronnie Hollien, Bill Edwards, John Tope, Paul Rabe, Charlie Watson, and Gerald Greener.  This class was taught by Ron Van Ness. Gerald Greener keeps a written record of how his clock movement is put together. Ron said the wheels have to go back in the same place they came from!
John Tope is using the electronic digital caliper to measure the barrel hook in his mainspring barrel. Give Bill Edwards a hammer and a drill, and he will fix your clock! Actually, Bill is about to center punch the location for a barrel hook on his mainspring barrel. Ronnie Hollien is trying to remember which holes some of these wheels fit into. Paul Rabe's top plate is just about ready to snap into place. Just a couple additional pivots need to be pushed into place.