1 (Left to Right) Front row: Walt Vinson, Bruce Wooldridge, and Mark Vozar. Back row: Scott Pottorf, Joe Richards, Jerry Harlin, and assistant instructor Mike Coker. This class was taught by Phil Ball.
2 This is a view of the Clock Repair Classroom. Here we see Jerry Harlin with his back to the camera, Joe Richards with the Visor and Bruce Wooldridge pretending to look busy.
3 Walt Vinson is hard at work on his movement. Or, maybe he is just sneaking in 40 winks?
4 Mark Vozar checking out his mainspring.
5 Jerry Harlin with the glove and Walt Vinson working with mainsprings from their kitchen clock movements.
6 Jerry Harlin on the right and Scott Pottorf in the blue shirt. Both are using their mainspring winders.