1 President Phil Ball called the meeting to order. Phil has been the President for the previous 2 years.
2 Phil Ball announced that he was resigning his position as Chapter President. Chapter Vice President Pam Tischler presented Phil a plaque containing a clock for his 2 years of outstanding service as President.
3 Chapter secretary/treasurer Bruce Wooldridge read the minutes of the previous meeting. He then gave a financial report for FY2008.
4 Education is the reason the Chapter exists. Here education director John Erickson gives a report on the classes offered during the past fiscal year. In FY2008 we offered 16 classes for 169 participants.
5 President Phil Ball announced to the members surprise that Bill Andrle had been awarded the NAWCC Fellow award! Congratulations to Bill. Shown in this photo is Phil, Bill, and Awards Committee Chairperson Pam Tischler.
6 Bill Andrle was chairman of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee submitted 2 names for the new Board: Peter Crum and Chuck Edwards. Both were approved unanimously by the members. Bill Andrle then dropped off the board