1 New officers for the year were elected at the meeting. ()Left to Right) Seated: Chuck Edwards (Director at Large), Pam Tischler (President) & Mike Granderson (Education Director). Standing: Peter Crum (Convention Director), Bruce Wooldridge (Vice President), Phil Ball (Past President), John Erickson (Mart Director), John Acker (Secretary/Treasurer) & Evelyn Slough (Director at Large).
2 Current President Pam Tischler called the meeting to order. The first order of business was to review some of the accomplishments during the past year.
3 One of the super accomplishments during the past year was the restoration of a McClintock Street Clock. The clock was donated by Byron and Annette White. It had been in a collision with a garbage truck while installed on the street in Smithville, Texas. Reports say the garbage truck only sustained minor damage; however, the street clock was not so lucky. In this photo, Byron reviews the history of the clock.
4 Bill Edwards was the chairman of the street clock restoration committee. In this photo, Bill discusses some of the challenges in getting the clock restored.
5 Bill Edwards received a gift from the Chapter as a token of thanks for an outstanding job in heading up the Street Clock Restoration committee. Past President Phil Ball did the presentation.
6 Byron and Annette White received a gift from the Chapter as thanks for donating the Street Clock. Byron and Annette also worked with the City of Grapevine and the Grapevine Historical Planning head in securing a place for the clock. The clock will be installed and unveiled in September. Phil Ball made the presentation
7 Evelyn and Hugh Slough received a gift from the Chapter as thanks for establishing and administering the Bella Library Exhibit. The exhibit moves from library to library on a monthly basis. Phil Ball made the presentation.
8 President Pam Tischler presented a thank you to John Acker who has done an outstanding job as our Newsletter editor for the last 2 years. John is passing that responsibility to Peter Crum.
9 Treasurer Bruce Wooldridge brought the members of the Chapter up to date on the financial status of the Chapter. For fiscal year 2009, the Chapter made a net profit of $3126.81. This profit was primarily due to a very successful 2010 Lone Star Regional.