Annual Meeting 2010

June 12, 2010
New officers for the year were elected at the meeting.  ()Left to Right)  Seated:  Chuck Edwards (Director at Large), Pam Tischler (President) & Mike Granderson (Education Director).   Standing:  Peter Crum (Convention Director), Bruce Wooldridge (Vice President), Phil Ball (Past President), John Erickson (Mart Director), John Acker (Secretary/Treasurer) & Evelyn Slough (Director at Large). Current President Pam Tischler called the meeting to order.  The first order of business was to review some of the accomplishments during the past year. One of the super accomplishments during the past year was the restoration of a McClintock Street Clock.  The clock was donated by Byron and Annette White.  It had been in a collision with a garbage truck while installed on the street in Smithville, Texas.  Reports say the garbage truck only sustained minor damage;  however, the street clock was not so lucky.  In this photo, Byron reviews the history of the clock. Bill Edwards was the chairman of the street clock restoration committee.  In this photo, Bill discusses some of the challenges in getting the clock restored.
Bill Edwards received a gift from the Chapter as a token of thanks for an outstanding job in heading up the Street Clock Restoration committee.  Past President Phil Ball did the presentation. Byron and Annette White received a gift from the Chapter as thanks for donating the Street Clock.  Byron and Annette also worked with the City of Grapevine and the Grapevine Historical Planning head in securing a place for the clock.  The clock will be installed and unveiled in September.   Phil Ball made the presentation Evelyn and Hugh Slough received a gift from the Chapter as thanks for establishing and administering the Bella Library Exhibit.  The exhibit moves from library to library on a monthly basis.  Phil Ball made the presentation. President Pam Tischler presented a thank you to John Acker who has done an outstanding job as our Newsletter editor for the last 2 years.  John is passing that responsibility to Peter Crum.
Treasurer Bruce Wooldridge brought the members of the Chapter up to date on the financial status of the Chapter.  For fiscal year 2009, the Chapter made a net profit of $3126.81.  This profit was primarily due to a very successful 2010 Lone Star Regional.